From: [email protected]

To: [Redacted]

Subject: Las Vegas Strategic Update [Encrypted]

Leaders Czerny, Dimitrios, and Bell,

Please see the attached executive summary on this month’s strategic update. We have made significant progress this past quarter in our key areas, but we must continue this momentum through the start of the year. 


Population growth

City population growth remains strong. Kindred new arrivals fall into three primary groups: 1) Brujah and other Camarilla defectors; 2) Ministry and Independents; 3) Tzimisce and Sabbat defectors. Leaders are suggested to allow limited new embraces.


Status of city defenses

The city continues to rely on the support forces provided by nearby Los Angeles as well as the aid of nomadic Anarchs to meet full operational readiness against a Second Inquisition resurgence or Camarilla betrayal. We are on pace to achieve full security independence by Q3 2025.


Recommendations and next steps

Since the start of phase 1 in June, we have made impressive progress given our short time and limited preparation. I’ve identified a short list of high-priority targets among mortal institutions and businesses to accelerate our readiness, open new feeding areas, and unlock resources. 


Instead of dividing control of mortal institutions and business according to the leaders’ roles, I recommend combining efforts to achieve faster acquisition. This may result in a breakdown of cooperation if involved parties pursue self-interest, but the net benefit to the Movement will still be positive regardless of who controls what territory. I recommend you appoint representatives to coordinate the acquisition of these territories as soon as possible. 


Anita Koomsat

Special advisor

House Carna