Chicago – The Executive Board

You may not know it, but you probably work for us. When you control the world’s finances, nearly everyone does. It doesn’t matter whether you’re buying a hot dog at Navy Pier, or selling fish at a marketplace in Kuala Lampur, money is a river that always finds its way to us. In our hands, it is flowing, growing, living. It is a sword that never dulls and an durable shield; a shelter and a fortress; the ultimate tool to command the power of the kine. 

We have quietly been behind the rise and collapse of some of the greatest fortunes in history. We have bankrupted kings and empires, made commoners into royalty, and in San Antonio, we brokered a deal beyond the veil of life and death. To join our company is to rub elbows with the most powerful and influential of our kind. But do not mistake us for nepotists and trust fund babies; we are kindred from all walks of life who share common interests, united by our talent and our ambition. We are not fooled by a country club demeanor or an expensive handbag. Game recognizes game, as they say in the streets.

As we focus our attention on Chicago, we will once again meet to expand our networks, our opportunities, and to discuss matters of mutual interest. Do you have what it takes to join us in a world where you’re only as good as your last deal? We’re the Executive Board, and you should ask yourself, if you have an eternity to live, why would you choose to be anything less than wealthy?