Chicago – The Midnight Congregation

In these nights uncertain, hope is scarce, and so many kindred are left to navigate the world without guidance, purpose, or a sense of history. However, we, the kindred of the Midnight Congregation, rejoice to know that the Methuselahs and ancient kindred have left us their legacy to guide us in story, song, and history. Though they may no longer be present to shepherd kindred firsthand, they have left enough of themselves to extricate us from perdition. Together, we mourn the loss of our revered ancients to the final death, torpor, or the Beckoning, knowing that their perceived absence is simply a test to ensure that only the worthy survive to bask in the glory of having their ultimate design realized. 


The Midnight Congregation has come to Chicago to share this truth with as many Kindred as possible. This gathering, which reaches across the lines of creed and cause that divide us, is a unique opportunity to demonstrate our faith in the wisdom of the Methuselahs. The secrets they have left for us are not only crucial to our survival, but may allow us to transcend what remains of our earthly bonds to claim the power that is ours by right. 


To that end, we invite all truly devoted Kindred — of any sect, cult, or church — join hands and aid us in the propagation of the Methuselahs’ wisdom. As the feast of the second city draws nearer, those most hallowed among us have received visions drawing us to Chicago to take the next step toward ascension.