Faction Agendas

The Arsene Society

A rare gathering of kindred society’s most talented criminal minds brought together a group who craved recognition almost as much as vitae. Collectively, they comprised a network to rival some of the great crime families. Prince Jackson found them interesting and gave them a challenge to steal an object from his vault. The society couldn’t say no to his proposition, especially when he tacked on a security contract for them if they should succeed. The faction met, having put together a list of objects they would need to pull off the perfect heist.


Careful planning and strategy saw the Arsene Members as prepared as they could be. Having failed to secure a set of master keys, the group was undaunted, and one emerged from among them with silk fingers, who successfully twisted open the locks. Other well-connected members prepared a getaway car for the escape. While the group infiltrated the building, a scrambler they secured nullified short-range communications. Another member snuck into a guard station, disabling the security guards, and looping the surveillance footage. One flamboyant member gave himself up as a distraction, and found himself arrested and briefly detailed. With the remainder of the security staff occupied, the remainder of the group headed upstairs. Finally, another member donned a disguise, keeping environs secure. 


The rest of the team poured into the vault room, using powers of intuition to crack Prince Jackson’s code. However, as the doors swung open, they revealed…. Nothing. Despite their planning, the target had been moved as a result of the night’s events. Undeterred, the Arsene used some contacts within the Auroral Shield to discern the nature of the item formerly within the vault: a mysterious set of relic rib bones. Thinking quickly, they produced a perfect forgery, and presented it to the prince. Prince Jackson, thoroughly impressed, made the Arsene society his private security consultants, with the promise of occasional acquisition contracts for high-value items. The Arsene Society have become the new rulers of crime in Chicago. 


The Auroral Shield

Decades before its conversion into a museum, the International Museum of Surgical Sciences was once an active Tremere chantry. Countless experiments, both medical and thaumaturgical took place in those halls, leaving behind bones and blades made into instruments of malice and tools of corruption. When the building was decommissioned, many potentially artifacts were left in the museum’s collection. The Shield members were swift in response, however and quickly acted on the information offered by their oracles. They sought to collect a set of bones tainted with Bahari magics, such that their cruel power could never be misused. 


Searching the building, the faction easily found three of the artifacts. A skull revealed itself and gave visions of a set of ribs locked within a vault. A foot, once held, showed the holder a vision of the world at their feet. A hand, betraying its holder, revealed itself, however a spine and a set of ribs proved elusive. The ribs lay in the prince’s vault until a werewolf ally managed to gain entry through the umbra. She was more than happy to give them to the Shield once she knew the evil they held. A flannel-covered kindred found the spine and slipped it into the trash hoping it would stay hidden, until it called out to nearby minds, and it ended up in the hands of a journalist. Working diligently, the Shield found each part, and after deliberation, trade, and the blessing of Prince Jackson, they began the Oroborus rite to seal away the objects’ power. The Auroral Shield was successful in their quest.


With Chicago now free from the bones’ corruption, Prince Jackson saw fit to reward the faction for their efforts. He awarded them a minor boon, and offered his assurance that any future operations would be unhindered for as long as he reigns. 


The Chimera Group

The operatives of the Chimera Group came to Chicago, seeking opportunity from the city’s wealth and resources. With the large influx of kindred in town, it was certain their services would be in demand. Their contacts had collected a list of bounties to complete, should they choose to do so. This left them with much to accomplish.


Arriving at the site, the operatives of Chimera Group Chicago managed to find and extract an asset that was contracted to eliminate a target. They fortunately convinced her to stand down as the job was canceled. They also successfully managed to post a series of damning bills to the Beef Board. Despite the high price offered, they were unable to locate any of the coveted Keys to the City, likely due to their mystical nature. Finally, the Chimera Group had to clean up some dirty laundry, discreetly notifying a local elder that they were cut off some services, unable to hire members of the Chimera Group for any task, regardless of the price. 


It was a profitable and productive evening for the Operatives of the Chimera Group, with each job executed cleanly. Current chatter suggests it won’t be long until they’re wheels up and headed to ply their services amidst the glittering lights of Las Vegas.   


The Digital Collective

In a time where government surveillance was at an all time high, and government-funded agencies such as FIRSTLIGHT seek out potential vampires, the Digital Collective had a proposal: why don’t they build a platform to find vampires first? While the faction may not have the breadth of resources that a government, data scraping and AI-identification were common tools in the digital age. Surely they could build a better tool to identify vampires than the kine?


The faction was provided with a series of objectives that could help this initiative along: gather a data set of masquerade-breaching videos to train the AI and purchase an antique ShreckNet terminal. To barter for these things, they were given a prototype data drive believed to be masquerade-safe, a device certain to be of interest to any faction in need of secrecy. They were also encouraged to propose their plan to the Promethean Conclave, to better secure support. And perhaps most importantly, they were given one prohibition: avoid all contact with the mortal mages who practice magic over technology.


The group began its night, but was quickly swept up in other plans. It secured a data set, but could not secure the terminal, and did not present their case to the Promethean Conclave’s salon. The faction successfully sold its data drive, but to the very mortal mages they were supposed to avoid. Shortly before sunrise, the prototype phones issued to the faction in San Antonio all displayed a singular message: COMPROMISED, and have since ceased to function.


The Executive Board

Starting their meeting precisely on time, the Executive Board convened in Chicago to consider an intriguing proposal: a potential client sought to hire them to put the concept of greed to the test. Greed, when examined through the lens of capitalism, is seen as a positive force. Their prospective client, however, wanted to know if greed was good, as the adage goes. To do so, he proposed that the board gather a small group and hold a series of experiments. Participants would compete to win FangCoins, choosing between cooperative or greedy strategies.


The board accepted the proposal, and swiftly gathered 16 participants for the exercise. To ensure scientific results, their volunteers comprised volunteers from variety of clans, ages, and gender expressions. Each participant was given a partner, and given a simple choice across multiple rounds: cooperate, and each participant would earn a FangCoin, or defect, and if there was only a single defector, they would win all of the FangCoins. However, if multiple parties defected, no one in the group would win.


After the rules were explained, the exercise began. Two Toreador lovers began bickering over a defection. Many participants promised cooperation, only to defect and pursue self interest, leaving their partners with nothing. Some pushed the boundaries of greed too far, and found themselves punished for it. 


As the exercise drew to a close, the Executive Board surveyed the results and found that a single winner had the highest total. The board offered its congratulations, and a Ventrue among them asked to know more about the winner. In a surprise, the winner revealed themself to be Caitiff, and offered a tip of a FangCoin. Later, the patron relieved himself: a member of the Ministry and devout follower of Set. He was delighted to hear that the experiment had resulted in infighting and strife, and all it cost was a few FangCoins.


The Haymarketers

The steadfast Haymarketers flocked to the City of Big Shoulders, ready to fight for the fair and equitable treatment of their fellow kindred. They quickly put their heads together, reviewing a list of potential boon breakers who would be in the city that night. These were kindred of station and privilege who had so far refused to make good on boons they owed to younger kindred. Once they knew the licks they would be targeting, they put together a plan to ensure those offenders would either pay up, or the faction would or seek satisfaction on their terms. 


The Haymarketers set out to confront the potential boon breakers. While a certain elder of the Ministry was very cagey, another debtor readily paid, saying it was simply a misunderstanding. But not everyone could be convinced, and more forceful persuasion was needed. With a bit of dealing, the Haymarketers convinced one of the Fae to clone and render useless a debtor’s phone. They worked through their list, and by the end of the evening, every score was settled in one way or another.


Motivated by a sense of right and wrong, the Haymarketers do what they do without pursuit of payment. As a result of their punitive actions, elders are certain to be more careful than to attract their attention. It is said that in the week following the event, heralds throughout the US noticed an unexpected surge in repaid boons.


The Iron Horsemen

Since the untimely demise of Edgar Drummond, childe of Lodin in the 1990s, Chicago’s rails have not known a master. While railways are often overlooked, they remain a critical piece of infrastructure, with each of the six major railroads holding commanding places on the Fortune 500 list. While younger kindred might focus their attention on tech or finance, dominating this resource could grant a faction leverage over domains across the nation. Seizing control in Chicago afforded a unique opportunity, as it is the only city where all six of the United State’s major rail lines meet. Taking advantage of the lapse in control, the Iron Horsemen made their move.

Taking over the railroads wouldn’t be easy. With the backing of local smugglers and the Circulatory System, the Iron Horsemen began to wheel and deal, securing all the Allies and Contacts they could. They searched for influential parties among the evening’s guests to support their plan, seeking to fulfill a series of contracts.

As the evening closed, they had to end their negotiations. One of their contracts remained unsigned, but the Prince beckoned. A series of events that included a misspoken word, a misinterpreting ear, plenty of good will, and a true Rail Baron’s control of influence led to the Iron Horsemen not just taking control of the hub of America’s rails, but also Chicago’s docks. The faction has gained the ability to secure routes throughout the US, making intercity travel much safer.


Le Lys Fletri (The Wilting Lily)

Artists, heralds, philosophers of the Beast itself, Le Lys Fetri exists to guide kindred society through its darkest corners by evoking not only beauty, but also the raw grotesquery that lies within each of us. On this night, they set out to uncover one of the Beast’s kept secrets: The Beckoning. The esteemed elder Critias agreed to teach them what he knew, but only if they could fulfill his price; secrets demanded require secrets traded in turn. The Lily was tasked with scouring the gathering for a particular story. Critias wish to hear the true story of kindred frenzy driven by a Beast so powerful, it destroyed everything they loved. However, this secret alone would not be enough — as artists, they would have to perform the story for their patron.

The group rose to the challenge. Narrated through poem and pantomimed through theatrical improv, the Wilting Lily wove the tale of Shovelhead, a newly embraced Sabbat struggling to come to grips with their new reality and the chaos of their upended existence. As with all great performances, an encore was demanded, and the faction performed for Critias a story of a secret indiscretion that the Prince had confided in them. However, the true nature of the story remains widely unknown, as Critias himself cautioned that it be held in the closest of secrecy. 

While the group has yet to be forthcoming about the knowledge they received in exchange for their performances, it serves as a reminder that for every truth shared by artists and scholars, at least two more are held fast. It’s possible many elders will be saved by the forthcoming art Le Lys Fletri produces, while there may be others that they quietly allow the Beckoning to take.


The Midnight Congregation

The Midnight Congregation met in Chicago to celebrate the festival of Nemeseia, an ancient Greek holiday devoted to the way that rivalries have shaped kindred society. An oracle among them had a vision that a journal written by the Toreador Methuselah Helena was in the city, and the faction aimed to retrieve it to use in devotionals as part of the evening’s festivities. 


While the night began in earnest, with the congregants attending Prince Jackson’s affair with the intention of sharing the holiday with all present. However, other activities encroached on their holiday plans, and many of the group were drawn to other pursuits. 


Unbeknownst to the potential celebrants, Helena was present at the gathering, conducting business of her own. She had heard of the congregation’s desire to make her an object of their devotion, and left her journal for them to find; however, a resourceful member of the Iron Horsemen found it first. The journal changed hands several times throughout the evening, and eventually found its way to the former primogen Tyler, who walked around the museum, reading it aloud to any who would listen. While emphatic, she read it with much less reverence than the congregation would have. Ultimately, a cunning Nosferatu purchased the journal from Tyler and took it back to his warren.

The Promethean Conclave

The Promethean Conclave returned to Chicago for the first time since 1893, a time long ago when they hosted the World’s Columbian Exposition. Their aim was to determine a shared vision for the future and to plan to make that vision a reality. To best accomplish this they asked themselves four questions: What does an ideal future for kindred look like? How might they inspire humanity to work toward that future? What challenges would they face in guiding humanity down their preferred path? Finally, in what ways could they handle those challenges to ensure the best outcome?


The conclave spent the evening in heated discussion and passionate debate. They persisted through many disruptions, including the unexpected death of the summit’s mediator in the room where they were holding their debate. The group persisted despite the chaos of the evening, always returning to the task at hand. 


In the end, the conclave decided to put their resources behind building a school for young and orphaned kindred. They aim to teach kindred from all clans and backgrounds the ins and outs of vampiric existence to prepare future generations of kindred to shepherd humanity in a safe and effective way. 


Once they had decided on a clear direction, three members of the Promethean Conclave presented their plan to Prince Jackson and his court, while other members worked to secure boons and resources to support its execution. Prince Jackson graciously agreed to allow the Promethean Conclave to build their school in Chicago, but first he required that one of their number submit to a blood bond with his sheriff. A Malkavian member selflessly accepted to be bound and the conclave secured the Prince’s support.


Tentpole Plots

The Windy City Summit

Relations between the Camarilla and the Anarch Movement have been at an all-time low. The past two attempts at negotiation between the sects had resulted in bloodshed, revolt, and murder, lowering expectations for a successful discussion in Chicago. Nonetheless, an Anarch capture of one of the members of the Camarilla’s Red List was enough to prompt another cautious attempt. 


While the last two attempts had taken place in Prague, a city rooted in old-world tradition ruled by elders with centuries of resentment and grudges, Chicago is very much a product of the new world. A newer city run by an innovative Prince that some say is the future of the Camarilla, it offered each side a new opportunity unburdened by old-world grudges. Miraculously, an agreement between both sides was reached. 


Each side agreed to the following:


  1. The Anarch Movement agrees to hand over one of the anathema. The anathema will be given a trial, to be attended by 4 Anarch monitors.
  2. In exchange, the Camarilla agrees to cede any remnants of territory they hold in the city of Las Vegas. The Anarchs will absorb Las Vegas into the Free States. They further agree to allow current non-Anarch residents to remain in Las Vegas, and will allow Camarilla monitors to see to the preservation of the Masquerade. All others require permission to visit. 
  3. Both sides acknowledge a rise of vampire influencers within Anarch territory, and that the Anarch Movement does not have a formal process to address Masquerade issues. The Anarch Movement agrees to allow the Camarilla to deal with Masquerade threats within its territories with Anarch supervision
  4. The Anarch Movement agrees to end its occupation of the domain of St. Petersburg, FL in exchange for the return of the impounded motorcycles of its gang leaders


No deal was reached for the release of the San Francisco Three, Anarch prisoners of the Camarilla accused of violations of Domain, Hospitality, and the Masquerade. It is unknown whether this decision was an intentional act of martyrdom from the Movement, or the sort of cold, political calculus that takes place in high-level diplomacy. 


With an agreement reached, both sides shook hands, leaving one important matter to be resolved: the surrender of the Anathema. 


Life had been a challenge for Germaine ever since his appointment to the Red List. An Iconoclast during the time of the French Revolution, the Toreador clan declared him anathema, accusing him of the murder of several of their elders in the revolutionary fervor sweeping across France. For centuries, he had evaded the Alastors, even as rumors of his innocence circulated among them, working his way through Canada, the Midwest, and finally the Anarch Free State hoping to remain one step ahead. As more and more elders began to depart for the Beckoning, Germaine realized he finally had the chance to clear his name. He approached several Anarch leaders with a proposition: he would offer himself as a bargaining chip with the hopes of leveraging the Camarilla to agree to a fair trial. His only condition was that he wanted a few words with his sire, the Brujah elder Critias, Primogen of Chicago. 


The evening of the negotiations, Germaine joined the attendees, posing as an ordinary member of the Anarch movement. He worked hand-in-hand, taking part in the negotiations directly while keeping his identity secret. As both the talks and the evening came to a close, Germaine’s plan seemed a success – the Camarilla had committed to giving him a trial. But as he presented himself to the court and revealed his identity, he found Critias was absent. Deprived of a final moment with his sire, Gemraine stood resolutely as he was staked, and quickly taken away by Alastors. 


In the days since, both sides have reportedly begun steps to honor their parts of the agreement, yet there has been no news of Germaine. 


Debatable Convictions

Transitioning into the Camarilla is not easy for some among the Banu Haqim. This transition has been especially difficult for some of the clan’s elders, as the ethics of their Path of Blood do not fully mesh with Camarilla ideals. When the ancient Ur-Shulgi returned and claimed leadership, many of them sought to leave, even though they struggled to operate outside of close-knit cells. Seeing only judgment in the eyes of their clanmates, one of the Banu Haqim sought aid from outside their clan: Najjar, Childe of Antara, Childe of Nabonidus, Childe of Anath, Child of Haqim

Critias was receptive to Najjar’s request for help, but he did not choose to fulfill it in the manner Najjar sought. The elder Brujah decided to make the matter an open debate, inviting any to attend and present their convictions at his Salon of the Eternal Academy. From so many voices, no doubt the Banu Haqim would find convictions near enough to the ethics of the Path of Blood to enable the transition. They would need to teach Najjar ways to incorporate the kine that are normally kept distant, to control the Beast without slaking it with Kindred vitae, and to help Najjar to judge without resorting to diablerie.

Najjar listened carefully to each of the speakers. No single Kindred embodied all of the things he sought, but the calming influence of a Salubri and the riddle of poetry provided keys that might be useful. By the end, three were named as his teachers. The diverse array of mentors ensured that none would sway Najjar and his followers away from the Tower. In addition, each teacher was rewarded with a gift from their student. Najjar gave both the Poet and the Professional access to sprawling havens with well kept libraries containing tomes secreted from the Mountain. To the healer, Najjar presented a personal treasure of greater price: an ancient lamp soaked with the esoteric power of Blood Sorcery. Najjar was especially eager to begin his studies, and the eyes of many within the Camarilla are eagerly awaiting the results.


Under the Terrible Burden of Destiny

Zlato, golden childe of the legendary Durga Syn, came to Chicago to mediate the Windy City Summit. He hoped to live up to his sire’s reputation and to honor the city that was home to his long time friend, the Elder Tyler of clan Brujah. However, when he arrived, he was shocked to see that his friend had returned to Chicago, but to ensure he represented his sire well, he was determined to focus on his duty first. He mingled with the kindred of Chicago to gain insight into their concerns and habits, hoping to provide an amicable solution to the deep rift between the Camarilla and the Anarch Movement. While he was watching the Promethean Conclave debate tragedy struck. Zlato was suddenly and unexpectedly slain in front of several witnesses. 


The destruction of the Prince’s mediator caused a stir. Prince Jackson’s court took immediate action, using powers of the blood to find the kindred responsible. They isolated the woman who had staked Zlato, with the Scourge in turn staking her. Taking precaution to ensure that the gathered kindred were not present for the questioning to maintain a sense of calm, the court determined that the kindred responsible was Tyler. 


The Prince called for Primogen Critias who telepathically questioned Tyler. He found that she did not intend to kill Zlato by staking him. Tyler thought he was bound to Helena or to Durga Syn, and she sought to free him. Despite their bitter history, Critias vouched for Tyler, and Prince Jackson agreed to welcome her back to Chicago and call it even. Tyler was unstaked and was warned by the scourge that “she only gets one”, and left to enjoy the rest of the evening’s festivities. 


The story of Zlato’s death wouldn’t remain secret for long, however. Brave investigators, undeterred by the Prince’s wish for secrecy, found Zlato’s signet ring and coded letters exchanged with Tyler. They revealed ways he and his sire avoided the Beckoning, as well as details concerning Tyler’s blood bond to Helena, Zlato’s attempt to bring Tyler to her senses, and Tyler’s preparations before she succumbed to the Beckoning. This correspondence has quickly become fodder for gossip among heralds throughout North America, both for its degree of scandal, and as a rare instance where Prince Jackson has shown uncharacteristic restraint.  


Shadows of Judgement

The Lasombra: shadow dancers, ambitious leaders, and power seekers, all of whom are subject to a brutal edit should they seek to join the Camarilla. Due to numerous centuries of Sabbat ties and warfare with the Ivory Tower, the cost for a Lasombra to join the Camarilla was to turn over an elder, subject to the discretion of the local Prince. The Lasombra of Chicago, having served the city faithfully, sought an end to this decimation, and hoped to elevate one of their own, Ava, to the Primogen Council. Ava had quickly emerged as one of Chicago’s premier information brokers, working to bring more of her clan into the fold of the city. 


In response to the political pressure from the Lasombra and their supporters, which included a formal petition, the Prince declared a Symbel would take place. Clan Lasombra’s goal was to fill a vase with bloodstones, representing Ava’s ties to the denizens of Chicago. Prince Jackson had given the stones to various residents of the city, including several of the factions, his court officers, and visiting dignitaries. Should the vase overflow, the Lasombra would be granted a Primogen in Chicago, if not, they would be considered disappointments and a waste of the Prince’s time. 


Early in the evening, Ava gathered the Lasombra, keeping her closest allies nearby. Together, they bartered, campaigned, and negotiated, seeking to collect every bloodstone possible. The going was slow but steady. Some kindred, perhaps opposed to the Lasombra gaining power too quickly, openly opposed them, stealing back bloodstones from the vase in open view. The Lasombra quickly adapted, instead collecting the stones and holding onto them for the final moments of the evening. Ava inquired into how such theft could happen under the court’s nose, and was harshly told it was her problem. Still, her clan persevered, and along with their supporters, they collected bags full of the stones which they carefully guarded. One final attempt was made to sabotage the magisters, as a shadowy Malkavian led astray by the whispers of her mind and a few from her friends stole the vase itself, before it was recovered by a few volunteers.


As the night drew to a close, Ava looked at her clan’s collection of stones and held doubt in her unbeating heart. Two of Price Jackson’s clanmates, sensing an opportunity, approached her and asked how far she was willing to go to secure the future of her clan. While the clan had certainly recovered the majority of the stones, the odds remained difficult, and she was uncertain that the vase would overflow. Quietly, she reached an agreement with the pair that was presented to the Prince in secrecy. Although Ava and her supporters failed to collect enough stones to completely fill the vase, Prince Jackson appeared moved by their efforts, and declared the Lasombra successful. 


In the nights since, Ava has reportedly been seen frequently in Prince Jackson’s company. While some dismiss this as a new Primogen learning the ropes, others have speculated that the price for her ascension was a blood bond to the Prince of the city.


Keys to the Second City

Even when it comes to politics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As Prince Jackson offered up the city of Chicago as a place for kindred to gather to make peace through political negotiations, the other supernatural beings within the Second City fumed at the incursion, edging closer to an open state of war. In hopes of preventing violence, a call was sent out. 


In the founding days of Chicago, the city’s rapid expansion posed a challenge for the city’s supernaturals, all of whom were eager to claim new territory. The solution was the formation of the Council of Keys, a secret council where supernatural leaders would meet to vote on city-wide issues. Each seat on the council required one of the keys to the city, magical objects which changed hands throughout the years, disappearing and reappearing during times of strife. Once again, the council would meet, as Prince Jackson and Inyanga sought to collect as many keys for their side as possible. 


The council began as a spirit embodying the soul of the city appeared, calling everyone to order. The airing of issues began. The city’s Mages had taken issue with some of the actions of the Fae, who in turn protested their innocence. Meanwhile, the kindred in attendance quietly traded favors and secured alliances, having caught wind the next issue was against them. Prince Jackson, himself in attendance, drove a very strong argument, bringing the final vote to a tie. The spirit then cast the tie-breaking vote, hoping to provoke further peace. With the matter resolved, the council was on to further business.


The Werewolves held the floor next, declaring that the large gathering of “leeches” held by Prince Jackson was a violation of the peace negotiated by Inyanga, and therefore an act of war. They sought the council’s approval to vacate the peace treaty, and to immediately take up arms against the city’s vampires in a repeat of the massacre from the 90s. 


Prince Jackson responded swiftly, deftly turning the conversation around with some clarifications and guidance from Inyanga. However, the werewolves did not agree, demanding bloodshed. It wasn’t until an industrious member of the Ministry stood and offered them a gift: a sacred blade once lost to the werewolves. Between the gift, an earnest promise from Prince Jackson, and a tiny bit of faerie dust, the Werewolves withdrew their grievance. A final vote of the Council of the Keys formally upheld the peace treaty, leaving everyone to pursue their own ends. 

Side Plots

Red Question II

The Red Question (or someone pretending to be them) sought to create chaos or perhaps reveal the truth behind a series of events. Who can say? A calling card posted to the beef board and given to some factions hinted for them to look for QR codes. This time it was the Sewer Rats who rose to the challenge, dubbing it the Nosferatu Scavenger Hunt. True to clan, the Kindred set aside sect differences to solve the mystery.

Once they earned their prize, the Camarilla half quickly told their superior the horrible secret the puzzled claimed to be true: The Camarilla’s Inner Circle was no more, taken by the Beckoning or destruction. Their reward? A swift staking. Aghast, their Anarch counterpart scrawled the secret they earned across the beef board and disappeared into the night. Such rewards raise the question: WHY DO YOU OBEY?


Safeguarding Sacred Relics

On Thursday night, Critias revealed that archaeologists working for the University of Chicago had uncovered a mysterious artifact which he had intercepted. It was quickly identified as ancient in origin, potentially Enochian. A Tremere antiquities expert was quickly dispatched from Vienna to examine the object. Meanwhile, Prince Jackson asked who among the factions could safeguard it until the expert’s arrival.


Several presented themself. The Arsene Society argued that as the foremost thieves, they were best suited. The Auroral Shield argued that it was their sacred charge to look after such objects. Ultimately, the Prince chose an unlikely candidate: the Iron Horsemen, who argued that they had the least motivation of anyone to steal the object.


The artifact was quickly secreted away, with members of the faction on alert for potential complications. They succeeded in keeping the object safe until the expert arrived late Saturday night, apologizing for his tardiness. After a brief examination, he determined the artifact was indeed Enochian, and asked permission to engage in further study. Prince Jackson thanked the Iron Horsemen, and granted them a boon for their service to the domain.


Redress for the Lass

People throw the word “hate” around fairly loosely. But true hate — cold, blind, and relentless —  has power, sometimes enough power to defy death. Some time ago, a girl named Lydia felt precisely that as she layed in the dark, slowly suffocating as she was left to die in a box


One year later, a pair of figures roamed the halls of the International Museum of Surgical Sciences. One of them sought company. The other sought to keep the former out of trouble. A handful of kindred sat with the pair as the first of the two revealed that she was a Wraith who had tragically died. It was only upon this night that she could right the wrongs committed during her death. Her companion, known as a Ghost Tender among her people, was not very trusting of this ghost girl, and knew that helping her could take someone down a dark path.

Unfortunately, few would listen to her. Several kindred volunteered to help Lydia, following her to an old apartment complex. It was there that the girl told them what she desired: revenge, bloody, terrible, and violent, not only against her murderer, but against everyone who lived within the building. Together, the kindred helped Lydia extract her revenge and recover her body from the basement. While the ghost girl seemed satisfied, can violence ever grant a spirit peace? Having seemingly failed to prevent the evening’s violence, Lydia’s Ghost Tender will seek additional instruction before assuming her next charge.



Many smiled and chatted idly with the neonate Portia, completely unaware that the ancient serial diablerist Helena stalked the halls of Prince Jackson’s soiree. As she drifted through the assemblage of guests, her attendance was not for food, though many choice flavors drifted past. Instead, her mouth was acrid with the taste of betrayal. Her childe, Eletria, had abandoned her, and she needed a replacement, a kindred ferryman to fulfill her needs by stalking their own kind and bringing them to her unfathomable maw.

The venerable predator narrowed the choice to two candidates, each of whom were capable of serving her. Unfortunately, the competition was cut short upon the discovery that one was already bound to another. Suppressing her temptation of slaughter, Helena allowed that candidate to remain enslaved by their pre-existing chains, and gathered the other close to her, binding them blood and rewarding them with a key and manual to her famed Succubus Club that they might serve her for centuries to come. In the evenings since, the mood at the club is said to be better than ever, with crowds once again lining up down the street.

Away Team

The Auroral Shield is known to be successful in disposing of magical artifacts thanks in part to the oracles who guide its membership. Aura, a potential member of the Canadian Auroral Shields, was sent to Prince Jackson’ summit as a test of her prophetic capabilities. She had experienced vision of a cup capable of connecting an unsuspecting kindred to the Malkavian madness network, a harrowing experience certain to shatter the mind of any non-Malkavian. As a special guest, the Prince gave Aura leave to gather any of his subjects who wished to help her to secure the vessel. 


With the help of a few Kindred, some rats, an enthusiastic bat, the object was located. A local Sabbat pack was smuggling the item through local train yards, and was met with overwhelming force from a paramilitary group called in by one of Aura’s helpers. The squad effectively dispatched the pack, and turned the item over to Aura. With her mission accomplished, Aura honored one of the group members with a stone denoting trust — a necessary item for the Lasombra to complete their trail.


Aura’s safety was assured by one of her wealthier companions on that evening who made sure she got home safely. Having completed her mission and proved she truly was a capable Oracle, Aura has received a promotion, and now awaits her next assignment.  


In Vitae Veritas

The Midnight Marrow Veinyards, a purveyor of specialty blood run by an exclusive dinner club of powerful and influential kindred, is known to be very selective of its clientele. Very few have heard of them, and even fewer have made their invite list. The evening of Prince Jackson’s summit, one of their sommeliers brought five of their finest vintage and offered a rare tasting to the gathered kindred. The selection included sentinelese blood, blood from an elder Theurge werewolf, blood from an Ahroun werewolf in their prime, the blood of a true fae, and the blood of a truly potent Salubri. She presented her wares for sampling, and told everyone interested that she also had five new bottles for auction.  


Throughout the evening, people came to her table to sample and taste. One brave and impulsive soul took a taste of all five bottles, one after the other, and rode out his overwhelming emotions as the potent blood mixed. A visiting changeling drank the blood of an elder Salubri, much to their pain and  discomfort. A curious Nosferatu tasted the true fae blood on a whim, and found it protected him from the powers of a meddlesome mage. 


The auction was a success, earning the sommelier several boons and other items of interest to take back to her compatriots in the dinner club. Curiously, all but one of the bottles were purchased by a single lineage of Nosferatu, and the last bottle went to the brave kindred who tasted all five vintages at once. 


At the end of the evening, she offered the most rare and exclusive of delights: an invitation to one member of the Ministry to join the ranks of the dinner club, including access to all the resources and connections that come with it. Allegedly, the group is believed to keep its most exclusive selections for its winter solstice party.