The Arsene Society regards crime not just as a means to an end but as an essential institution of society, striving to elevate it to an art form practiced by true masters. Our members range from con artists and pickpockets to cat burglars and mobsters, all operating under the strict veil of The Masquerade. We provide a robust support network for Kindred to hone their skills, transitioning from mere criminals to skilled thieves. The Arsene Society values guile, cunning, and a flair for the esoteric, seeking to expand its network with like-minded individuals who embody these qualities.


In the universe of Vampire the Masquerade and Darkness Emergent, the Ravnos clan, known for their affinity for deception and trickery, are natural allies of the Arsene Society, bringing a sense of mischief and cunning to the group. The Lasombra clan, with their shadowy influence and mastery of manipulation, also fits well within the society, contributing to the strategic and clandestine operations that define the Arsene ethos.

As we grow our ranks, we invite those who excel in the art of the con, who appreciate the subtleties of deception, and who understand that crime, when done right, is a true art form.