In this age of pervasive surveillance, the need for vigilance among Kindred has never been more critical. The evolution of government tracking, from Napoleon’s IDs in 1803 to the modern ESCHELON surveillance system, reveals the growing extent of monitoring capabilities that threaten Kindred anonymity. With advancements like FIRSTLIGHT funding updates and the TSA’s facial scanning programs, it’s clear that a surveillance state is becoming inevitable. The Kindred must recognize this and adapt to ensure their survival within the world of Darkness Emergent.


The response to the Second Inquisition—going offline and using burner phones—was only a temporary measure. Now, proactive steps must be taken to safeguard our existence. In the grand narrative of Vampire the Masquerade, this faction naturally aligns with the Nosferatu clan, who have always been masters of information, stealth, and subterfuge. Their expertise in navigating the shadows and manipulating data makes them indispensable in this new era of surveillance. The Ventrue clan, with their connections to power and resources, also finds a place in this faction, using their influence to manipulate surveillance systems to their advantage.


As technology advances and the threat of a surveillance state looms ever larger, this faction urges all Kindred to stay ahead of the curve, to be the ones controlling the narrative rather than falling victim to it. The future of Kindred society depends on our ability to adapt and thrive in this new world, where every move is watched, and every secret is at risk of exposure.