In these uncertain nights, the Midnight Congregation stands as a beacon of hope and guidance for Kindred, drawing upon the legacy of the Methuselahs and ancient Kindred, whose wisdom is preserved in stories, songs, and history. Despite the loss of these revered ancients, the Congregation views their absence as a divine test, challenging the worthy to realize their ultimate purpose. The Midnight Congregation unites Kindred across all creeds and causes, sharing the Methuselahs’ wisdom as crucial for survival and potential transcendence in the world of Darkness Emergent.


The Ventrue clan, known for their leadership and adherence to tradition, find a natural place within the Midnight Congregation, ensuring that the ancient wisdom is passed down and preserved. The Tzimisce clan, with their deep connection to the old ways and their pursuit of transcendence, also align with this faction’s goals. Their unique perspectives on evolution and ascension add depth to the Congregation’s mission.


As the Midnight Congregation continues its sacred work, they invite all devoted Kindred, regardless of sect, cult, or church, to join them in spreading this ancient wisdom, moving ever closer to the promised ascension that the Methuselahs foretold.