The Promethean Conclave draws its inspiration from the 1893 Columbian Exposition, a grand showcase of human achievement and innovation. Just as the World’s Fair united the era’s brightest minds, the Conclave brings together enlightened Kindred thinkers with a shared goal: to build a better world. As immortals in Darkness Emergent, we recognize our unique responsibility to guide humanity, which we rely on for sustenance and progress.


In the realm of Vampire the Masquerade, the Tremere clan, with their profound knowledge of blood magic and science, naturally fits within the Promethean Conclave, driving forward scientific and mystical advancements. The Ventrue clan, known for their leadership and influence, also aligns with the Conclave, using their power to steer societal evolution.


Amid environmental degradation and rapid societal changes, the Promethean Conclave aims to harness mortal capabilities and direct evolution towards a prosperous future for all Kindred. Our ranks include theorists, scientists, patrons, and visionaries committed to shaping this future. Whether your passion lies in science, sociology, or technology, you will find like-minded Prometheans ready to help you realize your dreams. Join us in collaborating for a bold new direction for Kindred and humanity.