The Chimera Group

There are two things that make a lick successful: connections and competence. You made it here because you have at least one of those, preferably both. Your file says you’re not afraid of getting in a couple scrapes if it means there’s a payday at the end of the job. And at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all here for.

We cover a long list of services from routine bag-n-tag working for the Prince or Sheriff, or running information for the Anarch Movement across hostile borders. We pull from the ranks of reputed and reviled organizations alike, filling our roster with all manner of skilled professionals. An ex-trafficker from the Circulatory System can find common ground with mooks from the criminal Putanesca that fill the ranks of the Hecata, coming together for a common cause: money and boons. If the pay is good, we’ll take the job.

Now, you’re a professional. Don’t get cocky. Don’t take a stupid risk that you can’t cash the check for. Risk is a part of the job, but make sure you’re going in with open eyes and a clear head. A solid payday is worth some hassle, but don’t get yourself bagged by FIRSTLIGHT or land yourself on the Scourge’s short list. Talk to your peers and network, and if you’re not so good with the negotiations side, let one of our other Licks do that lift for you. Remember that competence is only half of the equation here, and we all ultimately get a share of the profits.

Now let’s get your feet wet and shake the dust off. San Antonio is ripe for the picking and we have a cocky Prince willing to put down for our services. Leverage your connections and keep your muscle close at hand, ‘cause I got a good feeling about this.

Happening in San Antonio

The hungry wolves of the Chimera Group gathered in San Antonio, united by two common threads: Their desire for personal wealth and power, and a directive to spread the reach of their mercenary collective. They had petitioned the Prince for space to call their own and set up a permanent facility in the bounds of San Antonio to more effectively operate in the southern United States. However, the Prince was hesitant to work with such eager and ruthless mercenaries. In a surprise move, the Prince requested a payment be made for the territory. But it wasn’t just any payment – it was in this new and untested FangCoin. A shrewd move by the prince to put the abilities of the Chimera Group and the viability for this peculiar digital currency to the test.

Unfortunately, the disparate nature of naturally competitive predators all driven by individual wants and desires proved to be too much to surmount for the Chimera Group. While singular licks were able to amass sizable individual wealth and FangCoin, the mercenary group did not present the Prince with sufficient funds for the transaction to be completed. While their efforts in returning stolen goods from FIRSTLIGHT – and even absconding with some of the coveted technology of the hunter organization – they had too many opponents to overcome in the form of other Kindred likewise vying for precious and coveted things, making cashing in on a number of the bounties offered a difficult task indeed. 

Perhaps the Chimera Group will look elsewhere for their next endeavor. Maybe to the west in the heart of the Rockies to set up an ingress to the coastal United States? …Or maybe returning north to their home turf in Chicago?