Synopsis: The Death Mask of Ashur

The black stone of the fragments glittered in the failing candlelight. The Bahari and Church of Caine both reclaimed their objects from the ofrenda, taking the cherished photographs and mementos and tucked them away safely once more into lock boxes and trunks for travel. An eye and half a mouth sit missing from the broken mosaic mask.

Four pieces. Four small reminders of how the greatest of Kindred can fall to their own hubris. Unfortunately – or perhaps fortunately, depending on the prophecies you believe – the fragments were never reunited. Kindred historians will be left to wonder what the possibility could have been had the mask been remade whole.

Mercenary Kindred worked diligently to find and profit off of these dusty relics best left forgotten. The faithful followers of the ones that came before worked tirelessly to collect them all to honor the one the mask was named for. However, they did not plan on the intercession of the Auroral Shield, who deemed it a certainty the mask would not be reforged – at least not this night. Using ancient magics thought lost to the fog of ages, they were able to destroy two of the four fragments, preventing the death mask from being remade.