Viva Las Vegas!

Following the evening of Prince Jackson’s summit, word quickly spread throughout the Anarch Movement of an unexpected triumph. The Movement had demanded a summit, and for the first time, they had leveraged the Camarilla into engaging at eye level. While the Convention of Thorns was regarded as a lasting embarrassment, and all attempts at Prague had failed, the Windy City Summit had given the Movement something of genuine value: a brand new city, full of opportunity. And with that opportunity comes the potential to demonstrate to all Kindred that the Camarilla’s ways are unjust and outdated. If the Anarch Movement could run Las Vegas as a functioning city, it may entice other cities to follow its example. 


As word of the Movement’s new acquisition spread, the question soon arose of who would take possession of the city. The Anarchs, lacking formal governance, were instead guided by several influential leaders with varying degrees of influence and territory, old grudges, and baggage. A consensus soon arose that if Las Vegas was to be the start of something new, it needed strong, but capable fresh faces. And rather than run the city as a collection of Baronies, they would try something different: a unified system of government led by three leaders, each sharing power and overseeing different areas of the city.

Jaromír Černý — Head of Kindred Affairs

Born into Soviet Czechoslovakia, Jaromír spent his mortal years as part of an insurgency against the country’s communist leaders, only to be embraced on the eve of regime change in 1989. His Tzimisce sire set him to work securing her interests in the new Czech Republic, eventually earning the ire from the local Camarilla. Though his sire was independent and not Sabbat, the court of Prague would never accept a Tzimisce, and so the young Černý spent years on the fringes of society, an exile wary of a potential blood hunt. 


After the violence of the First Convention of Prague, Černý witnessed the mass defection of the Brujah. The young Tzimisce had grown tired of living as an insurgent all his life, and decided to leave Prague for the Free States. Years of living underground had given him little to call his own, let alone the holdings which defined a successful fiend. A fresh start was long overdue..


Černý’s technological expertise quickly became an asset to the Anarch Movement, and as his influence rose, he began to attract other Tzimisce, including some defectors from the Sabbat. As the Anarch leadership considered its options for Las Vegas, Jaromír was a natural choice, both for his acumen, and also in hopes of attracting more Tzimisce to the Movement’s banner. 

Elizabeth Dimitrios — Head of Mortal Affairs

Despite its challenges over the past two decades, the clan formerly known as the Followers of Set has embraced change. Much like the serpent, it has shed its skin, embracing its new identity as the Ministry, and aligning itself with the Anarch Movement after a failed bid to join the Camarilla. Throughout this time, Elizabeth Dimitrios emerged a persuasive reformer whose reliable insights helped the clan make new allies.


Within the Movement, Elizabeth is a voice of reason capable of balancing out the more belligerent Anarchs. She carries the support of her clan’s more active, younger members, while she’s unburdened by the contentious history of the Ministry’s last incarnation. Meanwhile, she remains estranged from her sire, the result of unknown circumstances she refuses to discuss. It is unknown if she follows the Religion of Set, as many within her clan still do, or if she has found another calling.


Elizabeth’s selection as a leader of Las Vegas was a nod to the Ministry’s growing contributions to the Anarch Movement. In addition, she is known to still deal effectively with the mortal population due to her relative youth, making her ideal to handle issues with the kine. This appointment has earned her no small amount of attention, as throughout its history, The Ministry has very rarely led cities outside of its home in Egypt.

Theo Bell — Head of External Affairs

Former Archon, former Justicar, a leader within the Brujah, and now a hero within the Anarch Movement, Theo Bell is no longer burdened by the shackles of injustice. After his violent defection at the Convention of Prague, Theo Bell rose to instant celebrity among the Anarchs after killed the Ventrue elder Hardestadt, embracing his libertas in a blaze of gunfire. Soon after, many within the Movement sought to attach themselves to the infamous Brujah in hopes of validating their own position. Theo, however, would have none of it, and refused all offers of leadership.


Instead, Theo spent the next several years working for the Movement on his own terms, serving as a mediator and problem solver, at times the adult in the room, and when the need arose, the elephant in the room. When the Anarchs came into possession of Las Vegas, Theo Bell was once again floated as a candidate for leadership. This time, the Anarch leaders approached him in unison and asked him to serve as one of the city’s leaders. Seeing the potential for the Movement, Bell acquiesced.


Theo is unique among his fellow leaders in that his attention is focused on what Las Vegas can do for the Anarch Movement as a whole. He intends to use the city as a base of operations as part of a broader effort to organize the Anarchs into something more formidable. He has witnessed the power the Camarilla holds from the inside, and seeks to build the Movement into a stronger sect to remain free.